You Can Take 10 Years Off Your Face With 6 Easy Habits

Anti aging

We’re always searching for ambitious solutions to skin aging, with some of us spending even hundreds on new, innovative products and special formulations.

The fact of the matter is, despite skin aging being a completely normal and natural process, it’s still something many of us strive to deny and avoid, desperate for any cure out there. 

While it would be great to find a product or treatment that instantly removes any signs of aging, unfortunately that’s not how our planet works.

Instead, building beneficial habits (and avoiding bad ones) is the next best thing out there, and it doesn’t take much work!

So, if you want to discover six easy habits that’ll make your face appear younger than you really are, look no further. 

1. Use an SPF. Always. 

What’s the main cause of wrinkles, fine lines, and other age-related skin concerns?

The sun, and more specifically, exposure to its damaging UVA rays.

Every time you step outside during the day, no matter whether it’s 20° or 100°, the Sun is out, and it’s UV rays are ready to attack your skin. 

For this reason, it’s crucial that you wear an SPF of at least factor 30 every day, even during the winter, as your skin is always exposed.

And there’s no age you should start — using a sunscreen every day is beneficial at any age, and it’ll help to slow the aging process. 

When UVA rays penetrate the skin, they cause free radical to form which attack the elastin and ultimately lead to the loss in elasticity and structure that leads to wrinkles.

The same rays can also be responsible for age spots and other pigmentation issues. 

So, make sure you’re using a protective sunscreen, and be sure to check it’s labelled as a ‘broad-spectrum’ product, to ensure its protection against UVA rays. 

2. Consider supplements 

Supplements are easy to integrate into your routine, and there’s plenty of options out there to suit your needs and desires.

Most of the time, the visible signs of aging throughout your skin come from a gradual decrease in essential nutrients and other substances in your skin. 

The best way to replace these and nourish your skin is by counteracting this, using supplements that provide what your skin needs from the inside out.

While many may be sceptical about the benefits and worthiness of using supplements, they’re definitely something worth checking out. 

If you’re looking for ideas to start with, a collagen supplement is a great option, as this is an important protein which provides your skin with structure, and naturally decreases as you age. 

3. Use a gentler cleanser

Of course, a cleanser is an important step in any skincare routine, whether you suffer from acne or wrinkles, as it’s responsible for sloughing off the dirt and grime left on your face and giving you a fresh complexion.

However, not all cleansers are made equally. 

It makes sense that some cleansers are harsher than others, to suit different skin types, but it’s important that you’re using the one that’s right for you.

A gentler formula is best for more mature skin, as it doesn’t strip the skin of its natural oils as much, which is key. 

Try using Cerave or Cetaphil.

For younger, oilier skin, a stronger cleanser is often required in order to achieve desired results.

But, for more mature skin that’s already lacking some of its original strength and structure, the oils are essential for keeping your skin protected and act as a natural barrier against the outside elements. 

4. Exfoliate the right way 

If you’ve ever taken a look at some of the at-home remedies you can try for reducing signs of aging, you’ve probably stumbled across the idea of exfoliation at least once before.

When performed properly, thoroughly, and carefully, exfoliation can be an incredibly helpful and transformative technique to utilise in your skin routine, but it can just as easily have a negative effect, too. 

When exfoliating your skin, it’s best to approach with chemical exfoliants rather than physical ones (which use small particles, such as sugar scrubs, to strip off surface oils dirt, and skin cells), as they’re less damaging than the latter. 

In addition, it’s important that you don’t over-exfoliate, as this can only reverse the good results you’ve previously been experiencing.

Generally, exfoliation once a week is plenty. 

5. Don’t skip on beauty sleep 

We’ve all heard about the importance of our beauty sleep for brain function and general well-being, but what about the benefits it brings for your skin and hair?

The truth is, sleep really does benefit every single part of your body, as it provides an opportunity for the cells in your skin, hair, and other areas to regenerate and refresh. 

A lack of sleep can often lead to stress, which can cause flare-ups and breakouts in the skin, and also lead to increased signs of aging in the long term.

Fatigue can also leave you with under-eye bags, which are difficult to get rid of any other way. 

So, ensure that you’re getting at least eight hours per night, and consider investing in a silk pillowcase to reduce snagging on the skin as you toss and turn in the night. 

6. Hydrate 

Finally, if you want to find another easy lifestyle change that’ll benefit not only your face but also your body, health, and general mental and physical wellbeing, it’s time for the tip you probably always hear – hydrate.

And by this, we don’t just mean using a hydrating skin product; we mean drinking plenty of water. 

Or lemon water, if you prefer.

As your skin becomes more mature, it becomes even more important for it to receive appropriate levels of hydration, as this can help to keep cells structured and prevent excessive dryness.

If your skin becomes too dry, it’s prone to shrivelling plump skin cells, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. 

As well as hydrating from the inside out, remember to use a moisturiser to seal that water in, and maintain skin hydration throughout the day. 

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