Foods That May Curb Skin Allergies

Skin Allergies

Are you really tired of dealing with your frustrating skin allergies? If yes, here is some happy news for you. You can treat those skin allergies with the right choices of foods.

Wondering how? You all may know that fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients and vitamins that are capable of improving our skin brightness and health. But the unknown fact is that they also have the capacity to treat some skin allergies by improving our immunity.

Let’s look into various foods that may help treat common skin allergies and how to include them in our daily routines.

  • Citrus Fruits

The high quantity of vitamin C in citrus fruits helps reduce various skin allergies. It is also effective in boosting our immune system. The improved immune system fights various viruses and bacteria and reduces the symptoms of allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties in these fruits reduce redness, itching, and inflammation associated with all your allergies.

Vitamin C can reduce the release of histamine, the chemical that causes sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. So, include citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines for getting an adequate amount of vitamin C.

You can include these fruits in the form of juices, salads, candies, and jams in your daily routine.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that adds more taste and looks to our recipes. Another hidden side of turmeric is that it has more medicinal value. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are capable of treating various skin issues.

Curcumin in turmeric, with anti-inflammatory properties, reduces skin redness, itching, and inflammation associated with various allergies. As an additional benefit, the antioxidant properties protect your skin from harmful UV effects. If you have any open sores or wounds, turmeric can be a healing therapy for you.

Add turmeric to your soups, fries, and salads to improve the taste and relieve skin allergies.

  • Collard Green

Collard greens are leafy green vegetables. They contain more vitamins and minerals that treat your skin allergies. The quercetin in collard green has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin redness, bumps, and inflammation.

The antioxidants vitamins C, E, and A in this vegetable protect your skin from free radical damage. Another function of these vitamins is boosting your immune system. Thus, by eating collard greens, you can reduce the symptoms of skin allergies. If you have skin itchiness due to dehydration, collard greens, rich in water, help revitalize your dry skin.

Include collard greens in your smoothies, salads, sandwiches, and wraps to improve the taste.

  • Cold-Water Fish

Love fish?? Then, this part is for you. Cold-water fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines, and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties reduce allergy symptoms like skin redness, itchiness, and other inflammations.

Omega-3s also control the oil production in your skin and boost up skin hydration. Thus, you can see tremendous changes in allergies that are caused by increased oil production and dryness. These nutrients also support your immune system, which keeps allergy-causing foreign particles away.

Omega-3s in these fishes can be a solution for your eczema condition because you can get relief from scaly patches with these foods. Include any of these fish in your lunch or dinner to infuse the benefits of omega-3 in your body.

  • Ginger

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can soothe your painful allergy symptoms. It reduces swelling, rashes, and itchiness with its nutritional value. A cup of ginger tea or carrot-ginger soup can be your daily dose of medicine to improve the immune system and reduce the discomfort caused by a runny nose.

The antioxidant properties of ginger protect your skin cells from free radicals, and the healing properties help in healing wounds associated with severe allergies.

Try spicy-ginger dip, ginger soup, or candied ginger to add colors to your dining table and smoothness to your skin.

  • Garlic

The next member on this list is garlic, a flavoring agent. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties due to compounds called allicin. Thus, it can reduce inflammation in your body. Allicin, sulfur compounds, and flavonoids have antioxidant properties that protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Including more garlic in your food improves the white blood cells count in your blood, an important component that fights infections. Add garlic to your soups, stews, sandwiches, and bread to add flavor and boost your immune system.

  • Yogurt

Yogurt, a fermented dairy product, is rich in probiotics and other beneficial nutrients. Probiotics support your immune system and reduce the symptoms of skin allergies like redness, swelling, and itchiness.

The healthy bacteria in yogurt strengthen the skin’s barrier function to protect the skin from various skin allergens and irritants. The water and electrolytes in yogurt keep your skin hydrated, preventing dryness. You all may know that yogurt contains lactic acid. This acid moisturizes your skin and makes your skin soft and smooth too.

Add yogurt to your salads and sandwiches to make them rich and healthy.

  • Pineapple

Pineapple, a tropical fruit, contains various nutrients and enzymes to soothe skin allergies. Bromelain is an enzyme in pineapple that is responsible for reducing various symptoms of skin allergies.

Vitamin C in pineapple protects the skin from free radical damage and supports the immune system too. The rich water content helps prevent skin dryness and flaky patches by improving the hydration level in your skin.

Sometimes, eating too much pineapple may cause mouth irritation and indigestion. So, include the correct amount in your juices, salads, and cakes.

Eat Right For The Right Result

Some combinations of foods may create allergies and have a negative impact on your skin. Also, sometimes, overeating may create unwanted side effects. So, include these vital foods in your daily routine in small or required quantities to handle the allergies correctly and avoid further side effects.


Q: Can tomatoes be a solution for skin allergies?

A: Yes, the anti-inflammatory properties of tomatoes can treat skin allergies. But some people may experience allergies after eating tomatoes. So, it is good to check your case before trying this treatment.

Q: Is it possible to treat my allergies completely with food?

A: Yes, it is possible if your case is mild. If it is a severe one or do not notice any changes after days of treatment, consult a doctor. The doctor will help you by performing certain diagnostic tests, zero in the right diagnosis and the course of action.


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